Executive Search for Marketing, Sales & Strategy

In 2022, the worldwide Digital Advertising and Marketing industry was worth about $531 billion.By 2030, experts think it'll grow to $1.5 trillion, increasing about 14% each year from 2022 to 2030. As the pandemic spread worldwide, brands had to adapt their engagement methods with consumers due to social distancing and lockdown measures. The stock market's volatility, rising unemployment rates, and supply chain disruptions further altered consumer purchasing behaviors. In response to COVID-19's challenges, marketing approaches became more resilient and innovative, ushering in new trends to navigate this evolving landscape.

Customer Focus

The mission for us as a headhunting firm is to find executives with an innovative mindset and a fresh point of view to differentiate our client businesses from the competitors. Customers are becoming resistant to traditional marketing and generating sales is becoming more difficult. Precision in campaign execution and innovative engagement strategies are now essential. Therefore, this digital shift brings the creation of specialized job roles to adapt to these changes. Some of these new roles are Consumer Behavior analyst, Digital Transformation Specialist, Sales Strategist, Sales Operation Management and E-commerce Specialist.


Digital Transformation

Nowadays, digital transformation is not only needed in marketing and sales. It can be applied to the majority of sectors within companies regardless of their level of establishment. To guarantee the growth of the company, leaders need to invest in technology and innovation in all their sectors. Headhunting companies are aware of the tech skills that are needed in our present market.


Enhance the Board’s Leadership

The structure and organization of the board in your company are essential to the success of its goals and success. Headhunting firms are there to offer advice and to structure the composition of boards in a strategic manner. It is important to have the right mix within an executive team. They need to be united by a common objective, yet the presence of different perspectives is beneficial to weigh in the most effective path to achieve the final goal. These visions need to consider marketing, sales, consumer trends and behavior as well as market conditions. 


As a headhunting firm, we are specialized in finding the missing points and assessing the talent that is needed for a company to succeed. We work on restructuring a team as well as enhancing the leadership performance of existing talent within the company. Sales and Marketing executives need a variety of skills in order to stay competitive with the rapid rise of technology and the constantly changing consumer needs.

Executive Search for Marketing, Sales & Strategy

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